
Download this introduction (PDF) here –> DOWNLOAD

See video here –> Discipleship 101 Introduction 

Thank you for joining this discipleship process and I pray that you will be blessed on your spiritual journey as you discover God’s plan and follow His calling for your life. If you have already made a decision to follow Jesus, we want to rejoice with the angels of God because you are a child of the King. If not, I hope that this discipleship process will help you discover the truth of God’s grace and love for you and what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

We are faced every day with so many choices which impacts our lives in both good and bad ways. We cannot avoid making choices, but we can avoid making the wrongs ones with bad consequences. As you follow Jesus and become a disciple you will be faced with many challenges and temptations.

You will need to choose to reject those things that will distract you from following Jesus and live a life that is pleasing to God. You will need to make the right choice to be a faithful follower of Jesus no matter what the cost. Make the choice to never give up. Choose not to just “survive” in your walk with God, but to “thrive” in your relationship with Him.

Where are you currently on your spiritual journey? ______________________________________________



What do you hope to learn/accomplish by the discipleship process? ______________________________



The desired outcome of this discipleship process is to not just gain information, but it is to be changed to the fullness of Christ and become part of His great commission for the church in the world.

In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus called us to make disciples who make disciples. Discipleship is the method of spiritual growth that Jesus used, and He also commanded us to do the same. This should also be the church’s priority and focus.

Are you ready?   Next: STEP ONE – The basics

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